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August 6, 2024

“He went up on the mountain to pray.

Mark 6:46

Sunday evening I went to plug my phone in because the battery was nearly dead. It wouldn’t charge.

Because of the nasty storm we had I thought it might be the outlet. I tried three others. It wasn’t the outlet. So I tried a different charging cable and a different charging block. It didn’t work.

I got out my handy dandy cleaning tool and worked to try and remove the dust build up in the charging port. No luck.

Soon my phone will be an expensive paper weight. Thankfully it is under warranty and I can get it fixed.

But, It made me think a little about my own battery. And I hope it helps you think about yours.

How is your charge?

Today’s scripture falls in the middle of two significant miracles and following a traumatic tragedy. Jesus feeds 5,000, walks on water, and loses his cousin, John the Baptizer, to a gruesome beheading.

Jesus’ battery was circling the drain. He needed a recharge.

So He went to a mountain to pray. To recharge. And to commune with the Father.

Throughout scripture mountains are equated with the place where you draw near to the Father. Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai with the Lord. And, in today’s scripture, Jesus retreated to the mountain to find solitude and sanctuary.

Where do you go to commune with your creator? What locations and what activities recharge your soul?

But, equally important is that Jesus recognized He needed some time away. He realized his battery indicator was showing that his spirit was dwindling in energy. 

How aware are you of your need to recharge? And, if you are low, what are you going to do about it?

Perhaps the mountains are calling. But, time with the Lord in prayer is always a great first step.

Find some solitude this week and invest that time in prayer
