“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
I had to change out a circuit breaker this past week. It meant that I had to go to the side of my house—the one where the mechanical elements are located. It’s the side I don’t see unless I purposefully walk there. As I rounded the corner I was greeted by one of my “projects.” I’m not the only one who hides failed projects on the dark side of the house, am I???
A while back Deanna found a playground slide—just the bright yellow shoot that you slide down. It was free and our kids were younger at the time. It was perfect—let’s build a slide for the kids that goes into the pool.
I measured, cut, fastened, and sanded the lumber into a beautiful ladder. Well, maybe more like a “beautiful” ladder. It’s the kind of ladder only the one who made it could love. And, well, even I don’t love it. That’s why I stashed it on the side of my house. It worked. Kind of. And, there was a smile on the face of my kids when they went down it. But, stability was not its strong suit. It has been added to the running tally of my projects.
Even though the final product left a lot to be desired, I had a blast building it with my kids. We worked together. I taught them safety related to power tools and we shopped together to get some of the supplies. It was good quality time even though the result was less than quality.
At other times, I’ve built and put together things that I’m far more pleased with when it is finished. Sometimes they are projects of building things with my hands. Other times it is building things with my brain. For instance, writing, building worship services, connecting people, or launching ministry opportunities.
What’s something that you have built that you put your heart into and you gave it all you had?
Creating is one of the most beautiful elements of our human experience. Creativity is an ongoing echo of our Image Bearing. Our creator God put the same creative spark in you.
The good news? God doesn’t have a side of His house where less-than projects are placed to hide. You are His Masterpiece. Sure, you’ve got some spots that still need to be sanded. There are parts of all of us that need to be re-fastened and refinished. But you are his masterpiece. And He has put his heart into making you.
In fact, the Greek word for “workmanship” is Poiema. This is the origin of the word Poem. You are God’s poem. His work of art. You are His masterpiece. Sit with this truth for a minute. The one who created the very concept of beauty made you beautiful. The one who put breath in you also formed you to be breath-taking. You, my friend, are a work of art created by the master craftsman.
Artists have all kinds of motivations for their works and their handiwork often makes a point or a statement. This is no different with our Creator. He has a goal and a purpose for you. It’s to partner with Him to accomplish His good work. He makes you a work of art. And then the Lord puts a paint brush in your hand and sends you to color the world with His grace.
So… make beauty. Because you are beautiful. And the world needs what you have.
Reflect on the beautiful things in your life and do something to add some beauty to the world around you today.
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