“He has told you, O man, what is good;
Micah 6:8
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?”
Today’s verse is among the most quoted from all of the Minor prophets. It’s a succinct declaration of expectations. This is what the Lord expects: acting justly, a life infused with kindness, and a life lived in concert with your loving Lord.
It is a lens through which you live your life. It is the standard by which you base your actions. It is the measuring stick.
Do Justice. In action and with words. Practicing justice is about the things we do and say. It is about treating others as ones who bear the same Image of God that you have. Justice recognizes when a wrong has been committed and working to make things right. Justice is a vital part of God’s kingdom. Acting justly is a kingdom trait. It is about doing what is right, personally and collectively. Justice has an edge to it. It is, often, not an easy pill to swallow. Justice is an act. It is not a feeling. It is what we do. But, notice, we are not called to love justice—just to make it a part of our daily life.
Love kindness. Like justice, you and I are invited to embody the traits of God. The Lord is just and you are invited to share in just living. So, too, lean into kindness.
The full summation of God’s character is kindness. The Hebrew word is Hesed. It is translated as mercy, favor, goodness, and lovingkindness. In short, we are called to love love. To have a deep fondness for kindness. To be fulfilled by fulfilling others. Caring for others is what brings joy. This is the Lord’s hope for you.
Doing justice is a command and a challenge. Loving to love is an invitation to the heart of God. Both are vital. But they pull in opposite directions. Justice is the demanding side of God’s character. Lovingkindness is the depth of goodness that fills you and calls you.
Justice is the uncompromising nature of God. Loving Kindness is why God always finds a way. Justice is why there is a cross. Lovingkindness is why Jesus hung from it instead of you. Both are vital. For God and for you.
We walk humbly with God because we recognize several things at the same time. You and I fail at justice. We fall short in lovingkindness. And the Lord never does. He has these traits in spades. He always makes things right. And he always chases you with his goodness. Humility is our posture because we are bankrupt without God’s goodness. We walk humbly because we continually come up short on God’s measuring stick. And, each time, Jesus steps in and covers the gap. Jesus stands in the gap for you. He reaches across the divide between where you are and where God calls you to be.
The greatest distance the world has ever known is the distance from one nail to the other. As far as the East is from the West… This is his reach. This is how far he stretches for you. This is how the Lord grasps you and pulls you into his embrace. One nail at a time; across the chasm. We walk humbly because the Lord is the only one who has ever measured up to the standard. And, through justice done and lovingkindness poured out, you are drawn in to Him. In Jesus, your requirement has been paid. Your ticket is punched. Your life is redeemed. Thanks be to God, right!?
So, what do we do on the other side of this grace? Exactly what we were called to do from the beginning….
“Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.”