Follow Jesus Closer and More Fully

Scripture and faith are complicated and hard. I want to help make God real for you so we can grow together, be reminded of the Lord's goodness, and partner in His Kingdom work! 

Follow Jesus Closer and More Fully

Scripture and faith are complicated and hard. Let me help make God real for you so we can grow together, be reminded of the Lord's goodness, and partner in His Kingdom work! 

Through books, blogs, and a weekly email....

Push back against the struggles of life. Tap into the Power of God's Word. And take your next steps in growing a faith that withstands the storms.

Understanding God's Word is TOUGH...

It's your faith, but who can understand the bible? Does a book from 2,000 years ago really help today? Plus, life is hard. Really Hard. What does God's word say that helps you through?

Better Grasp the Good News

Our Utter Need Meets God's Unending Gift

Following Jesus One step at a time

Helping You Align with God's Words

Accessible. Real. Honest.

Not sugar coated. But filled with hope.

This is How I Help...


Weekly Emails

With Your Cup is a Monday morning email in your inbox. A scripture and a devotional thought to jumpstart your week while your drinking your morning cup of coffee.

Unpacking Scripture

The Bible is hard to understand. Let me help. I'll give you some background, help you make connections. And help connect this ancient, sacred book to your life today.

Next Step Prompts

Alignment with God is key. This is the work of discipleship. And it's far more about the subtle changes than the big dramatic ones. I'll prompt you to take your next small step.

Get Discipleship Help Now

Tap into the Holy Spirit. Respond to the Lord's Leading. Begin uncovering the hidden treasure. 
When You sign up you'll get a free copy of my ebook
Elevating Your Time with God: 5 ways you are doing Bible Study wrong and what to do about it

Nuggets to help you in your inbox every Monday
I hate spam too, I'll protect your email like it is my own